Monday, January 4, 2010
Frozen Solid
Here in the Frozen Tundra of Minnesota the weather refuses to reach 0 degrees. The current temperature reads -24. Everything is truly Frozen Solid. The weather forecast advises not to venture into the cold without proper gear for the fear of frostbite. They say frostbite can occur within 3 minutes. If you have never experienced Minnesota then you have never experienced winter. Minnesota has the most brutal winters in the world. Ok not the entire world, but close enough. At night, if you need to open the door the you must grab a pickaxe for the doors are glued shut with layers if ice. So if I am scaring you away from Minnesota, that's fine by me, for you saving yourself from frostbite.
Monday, December 28, 2009
The fact is that the vikings drive me crazy. More like insane. If you happened to watch the game today you would know exactly what I am talking about. The game had 3 interception, 6 returns, 2 fumbles, 5 incompletions and 10:42 seconds of overtime. Well, first of all there was 30 minutes of absolutley nothing from the vikings, not a touchdown, not a field goal, nothing. Coming back from half time with zero pionts on the board, everyone knew we had to do something. The board was 23-0. In 5:00 minutes first touchdown, great. 7 minutes later, 80 yards down the field, incompletion. Nothing. 4 minutes after that, touchdown. woohoo! Then, 6 minutes later 50 yards, incompletion. Nothing.Then, 6 minutes later, touchdown. Game tied. Overtime. 5 minutes later. Overtime. 2 returns. Nothing. 8 minutes into overtime 67 yards down the field. Fumble..Game over. So like I said, the vikings drive me crazy.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Christmas must be something more
"Christmas Must Be Something More"
What if ribbons and bows didn't mean a thing
Would the song still survive without five golden rings
Would you still wanna kiss without misletoe
What would happen if God never let it snow
What would happen if Christmas carols told a lie
Tell me what would you find
You'd see that today holds something special
Something holy, not superficial
So here's to the birthday boy who saved our lives
It's something we all try to ignore
And put a wreath up on your door
So here's something you should know that is for sure
Christmas must be something more
What if angels did not pay attention to
All the things that we wished they would always do
What if happiness came in a cardboard box
Then I think there is something we all forgot
What would happen if presents all went away
Tell me what would you find
You'd see that today holds something special
Something holy, not superficial
So here's to the birthday boy who saved our lives
It's something we all try to ignore
And put a wreath up on your door
So here's something you should know that is for sure
Christmas must be something more
We get so caught up in all of it
Business and relationships
Hundred mile an hour lives
And it's this time of year
And everybody's here
It seems the last thing on your mind
Is that the day holds something special
Something holy, not superficial
So here's to Jesus Christ who saved our lives
It's something we all try to ignore
And put a wreath up on your door
But here's something you should know that is for sure
Christmas must be something
Christmas must be something
Christmas must be something more
There's gotta be more
There's gotta be more
Saturday, December 19, 2009
The list
The list is currently sitting on my bedroom dresser gathering dust. The list for Christmas shopping that is. That's right, I havent started. The list is a mile long, the places are miles apart and I havent started. I am not going to even bother going out today, as I know the stores will be packed. So, I will just put it off for another day. Sooner or later, I will get it done. Probably on Christmas eve, but no worries it will be done.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
You could call it obsessed...
....or you could call it love. I have yet to tell you that I now have purchased my newly prized possession. I am overly obsessed. They are called uggs. I ordered them this week, and knew that they were coming today. So I ran home from the bus stop, nearly killed myself by falling on the ice, and the only motivation I had to get up was thinking that my uggs are on my doorstep, so I got up and started to limp to the rest of the way home. My eyes immediately spotted the brown box, I went inside and tore it open like a wild mad woman. Then they there were, layed neatly inside, waiting to be held. Ohh it was love at first sight. My feet sank into the softest, warmest sheepskin found on earth. And I have not taken them of since. Oh and if I haven't convinced you that I am overly obsessed yet, I will tell you that I named them mindy which means love.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
MckMama givaway
I am sure you all know MckMama, and I am sure you all know that she gives away fabulous prizes! Absolutely fabulous! Well, if anyone needs a new computer your in luck. MckMama is giving away a brand new HP touchsmart computer. The best computer in the world, it does EVERYTHING! So, do you want one? I thought so. Well then wiggle your mouse here and simply post a comment. The best prize+ simple to enter=priceless. So what are you waiting for?
Friday, December 11, 2009
Its called..
I haven't been doing much but what I am doing is alot. It is called school. The muchly dreaded six letter word. Don't get me wrong, I like school in fact i love it but The part of writing 6 page papers until three in the morning is the part that I could pass on. Well i guess I could blame myself for the three in the morning part, considering I dont start until midnight. What do I say? I'm a procrastinator. Let me tell you..the laundry is piled high. I must not have done laundry in a month! Yes. a month and yes I have to many clothes. Speaking of clothes, I got even more! No worries I got them on sale. The after-thanksgiving sale. You know, the one you get up at three in the morning step outside in 20 below degree weather and wonder why you are doing this? Yes, that sale. I also got a camera, a Nikon camera to be exact. So hopefully you will see more pictures on this blog, that are credited to me. I have to admit that i am the most technical person in the world, so my teacher gave me a lesson today. Most of it flew over the top of my head but a few things stuck. So I think. Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone, it time to think about Christmas. I have always loved Christmas. The family all around you, smiling at there newly prized possession. There is something about family that will always be different than friends. I dont even know what it is or how to explain how to explain it. You just gab a cup of cocoa, a blanket sit in you favorite chair, sit back and laugh until your teeth feel like they are going to fall out. Well, i guess that's it for today..
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Ok, Did I miss something?
Saturday, October 10, 2009
For the past few weeks, I have done what any average teenager does. Procrastinate. I have started my homework at 8:00 every night, finished at 12:00 every night, and not to mention, my room is a complete disaster, laundry is piled high and guess what I am doing right now?? absolutely nothing important...I'm blogging. But as far as my physical self goes, I'm fine. Haven't gotten the swine flu yet, so can't complain. As for my fun time? I watch my favorite show Castle every Monday night, and that's about it. My school's homecoming was last week. Super fun, until the football game, we lost 37 to 0. Oh and to top it all off, I have this teacher, Mr.H, that I student service for, well two days ago he gave me a project to wrap a box with yellow paper. Easy right? Wrong. The box had two be wrapped twice so that you couldn't see through the paper. It literally took me an hour to wrap this box, and then ok i was done, not the best i could have done but still good. So i thought. Mr.H forgot to tell me to put a sheet of paper IN the box so he tells me that I can re-do it tomorrow. Ok I shake it off and come back tomorrow to do my project again. This time I wrap it three times and put the sheet of paper inside the box. It was perfect. The best I could have done. He said "great"!!!"now put the address on it and I will send it off" I am like on cloud nine at this point. I just wrapped this box perfectly and he liked it. again so I thought. I returned the next day to find my 3 layers of yellow paper ripped up and in the trash. End of story.
Monday, September 14, 2009
As of now....
...i am trying to calm my racing heart down after running around the house with my head cut off, for the last 2 hours, trying to find my retainer. Yes, i know what you are all gonna say. Mariah?!! How could you loose your retainer?? It is not like I tried to loose it. I dont even remember taking it out, which makes it all worse. The possibilities of where is could be are dwindling. I have scoured this house head to toe and no luck. It's getting late, I still have to finish my homework and find my retainer. Ok I dont think this blogging thing is calming me down at all.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
What I did while you missed me......
In case you were wondering......
I went to camp for a week, met a Swedish girl, I kissed a fish, got my permit, I went to Colorado, rode on a bus for 42 hours, climbed a mountain, drove through a storm, got sick, I texted 2, 986 times, went shopping, I cleaned my room, found $27 worth of change, I went camping in frigid weather, found out i need a new sleeping bag, found a mouse, went to the fair, bought 58 cookies, and ate 47 of them, bought a new bike, got some hermit crabs, got my hair chopped off, went to Denver, walked 10 miles, got my braces off, slept on a bus, learned how to change oil in a car, went to Iowa, gave my dog a bath with herbal essence shampoo, went on a 25 mile bike ride, went to target 12 times, bought a new pair of shoes (crocs to be exact), went to the mall, counted my 23 pairs of jeans, stubbed my toes 14 times (yes I keep track), broke a lamp, went to a baseball game, made a bracelet, bought a coach purse, went white water rafting, played with my dog, planted a cactus, went to Kansas, and Nebraska, saw a lot of corn, ok so I will stop before you fall of your chair, but you get the point right? I did a lot of things, and now I have one more to add to the list, I blogged.
I went to camp for a week, met a Swedish girl, I kissed a fish, got my permit, I went to Colorado, rode on a bus for 42 hours, climbed a mountain, drove through a storm, got sick, I texted 2, 986 times, went shopping, I cleaned my room, found $27 worth of change, I went camping in frigid weather, found out i need a new sleeping bag, found a mouse, went to the fair, bought 58 cookies, and ate 47 of them, bought a new bike, got some hermit crabs, got my hair chopped off, went to Denver, walked 10 miles, got my braces off, slept on a bus, learned how to change oil in a car, went to Iowa, gave my dog a bath with herbal essence shampoo, went on a 25 mile bike ride, went to target 12 times, bought a new pair of shoes (crocs to be exact), went to the mall, counted my 23 pairs of jeans, stubbed my toes 14 times (yes I keep track), broke a lamp, went to a baseball game, made a bracelet, bought a coach purse, went white water rafting, played with my dog, planted a cactus, went to Kansas, and Nebraska, saw a lot of corn, ok so I will stop before you fall of your chair, but you get the point right? I did a lot of things, and now I have one more to add to the list, I blogged.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Its about time for an answer
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Confessions of a Shopaholic
Monday, July 13, 2009
Is the cup half full or half empty?
In another words, is summer half gone, or is there still half to go? Take your pick. I tend to lean to the possitive side and think of all the things that can still be done in the month and a half that I have left. Still, this summer, really has gone by super duper fast. No seriously. About a week ago I thought I was taking finals and look through the sunday adds and school supplies are starting to be on sale. Oh good grief.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
alligator, alligator eat 'em up, eat 'em up
On one of our many adventurous days in Florida, we went to the everglades. Rode across the alligator infested swamp going about 70 mph. Oh and look at what we found.....
why dont you just come a little closer......
now is the time to move to the other side of the boat.....
{too bad Hannah was on that side}
Ok i'm done dont want to see another alligator in my life...
i didnt mind a little bit kinder of creatures coming along...this is now my buddy....

pictures credited to Hannah Thompson
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The beach
Here is some of the pictures of the beach that I ahem ok hannah took during our florida trip.

I love the beach, the feel of the soft smooth sand between you toes.

I love the beach, the feel of the soft smooth sand between you toes.
Here we sat in our broken chairs soaking up the sun watching the waves ride in.......
....and this is what hannah did while sitting on the beach....
and she did this because she...well.... forgot her swimming suit. who goes to the beach without her swimming suit? apparently hannah.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day
Well Happy Father's Day. I am trying not to be biased or anything but I think I have the greatest dad of all. We played golf together. That was fun. For a present me and Hannah pooled our money and bought my dad a new blender. It a really nice one and it had one of those with a glass cup instead of plastic. And know we're broke.
Wow it has been a while...
Yes yes I know you missed me. Thanks. Ok so you probably realized that I have been gone. I went to FLORIDA!! for about 2 weeks. It was a blast we went to Ft. Myers Beach which was stunningly beautiful and walked and walked and walked some more along the shore line. It was about 98 degrees everyday. I just about went through a whole stick of deoderant you could say. Then we made out way up to orlando. Visited Sea World, walked some more around there. It really is a great park there is lots of rides, shows, and exhibits. We saw a few shows, saw numerous exhibits. Then we headed off to Discovery Cove and got a chance to swim and play with dolphins. Yes real alive ones. We went swimming with them and of course they had to show off their tricks. At the same place we also went snorkeling in a coral reef which was a blast we saw tons of exotic fish and sting rays. It was really fun except when you swallow the sea water....not so fun. Anyway the next day we went to Sea World again saw some more shows and animals, walked around some more and ate ice cream. Then we headed of to Daytona spent a few days there, walked some more and then awww we actually just sat. Yes we did indeed. We sat on the beach. It was a beautiful sight, I should have taken a picture. We never ever ever...let me repeat we never ever ever sit not even for a second, we walk and walk and walk and walk some more until out feet fall off. But not this day no we awwww sat on the nice soft sand with towels and umbrellas, we went swimming and sat down again. We all got sunburned, well not all of us... Hannah sat under 3 umbrellas the whole time and lathered herself with 100 spf sunscreen. Ya I know. Well I guess she didn't get a tan. We stayed at hotel on the beach, listened to the ocean. Fabulous. Just Fabulous. Then we went out for ice cream again at Friendley's. Great ice cream . Really. I ordered vanilla with chocolate chip cookie dough. yum yum yum.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
This I would consider to be the worst week of school. The week of staying up until 2 in the morning every day, the week of studying until your brains fall out, the week of taking test after test after test and only to realize your still no done. the week of sitting on your bed, slouched over staring at a book until your back can no longer move, the week of only getting up to use the bathroom, the week of only 2 meals a day, the week of reviewing and reviewing and more reviewing, the week of memorizing, yes, this is the week of finals.....
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Did you get it right?
Karoke really means 'empty orchestra'. I don't really think that it is ment as a compliment.
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