Monday, April 6, 2009


As most of you know I have horrible cooking skills, seriously never ever ever ask me to cook for you. Don't get me wrong, I would love to cook for you and I actually enjoy cooking but I would feel terribly sorry for you. Altho there is one thing that I have made (with the help of my sister of course) that didn't turn out all that bad. It took a while, but it was worth it. So here my journey of making pie begins,

End Result: Priceless

Rule #1: Never, ever, ever make pie when your parents are home. Save them a trip to the hospital from seeing this

This is also my first picture(s) on my blog. :)

Poor Baby

If you have never heard of Mckmama then you must click here. Altho, I am sure that most of you have, I just want take precautions. Stellan is not doing well, he has been on a physical and emotional roller coaster for about 3 weeks. About 2 weeks ago they saw improvement, his STV had been gone for 24 hours, then suddenly STV crept back. Now, they are thinking of different treatments. They want to move him across the country to have an ablation. Don't ask me what it is. Now the family has to decide if they are all going to move with him. Before the Children's Hospital was only a few miles away from there house, but now it is going to be a many hundreds of miles if not, a thousand. Please pray for Mckmama and her family that God would show them guidance of what to do is this difficult situation. Also pray for the doctor's that if they choose to do the procedure that is goes smoothly.