As most of you know I have horrible cooking skills, seriously
never ever
ever ask me to cook for you. Don't get me wrong, I would love to cook for you and I actually enjoy cooking but I would feel
terribly sorry for you. Altho there is one thing that I have made (with the help of my sister of course) that didn't turn out all that bad. It took a while, but it was worth it. So here my journey of making pie begins,

End Result: Priceless

Rule #1: Never, ever, ever make pie when your parents are home. Save them a trip to the hospital from seeing this

This is also my first picture(s) on my blog. :)
Good job, you have pictures!
Wish I could've tasted that pie, it looks yummy :)
I will make it for you someday, Maybe for your birthday. ;)
Oooo i want one! :P
Fine, now I have two to make.
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