Tuesday, January 27, 2009


It is just a normal day in school and I am in the IMC and this is my surroundings. My stomach is starting to disagree with the school lunch food that I just ate which consisted of a few old egg rolls and a bread stick while next to me is a guy who is falling asleep while picking his nose and on the other side is a group of 4 guys talking about smoking pot. While the IMC staff is running around trying to find a nurse because someone passed out on the floor. You look down the isle of computers and you notice not a single person is doing homework, in the IMC you sit as far back as you can away from the teachers and play games, go on facebook, or simply text. And the staff is totally oblivious because they are still trying to find the nurse.

Trivia Tuesday

Due to a birth defect, a boy is born with 14 toes, 11 fingers, and 3 thumbs. How many fingernails does the boy have?