Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

"Today is the the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it"
I love Easter, getting together with family, eating a delicious feast and hunting for those eater eggs! (which i still do) Gotta Love It!!


Ok sorry about the title, but what else do I say? *insert clever blog tile here*? Ok so first I went on a ok BIG shopping spree but hey Who doesn't like shopping? It was really fun I only bought about um.. 10 pairs of jeans. Don't judge me. I like jeans. Oh and maybe one or two ok three pairs of sweatpants. A pair of badly needed wind pants. I need them for golf, my legs just about fall if the the wind doesn't blow them away. Also maybe a few shirts I am not going to tell you how many because then your eye balls will them fall of and you will not be able to read the rest of this post. Then of I go to Target to buy some necessities. Spent about an hour in there. Altho, it NOT my fault, every time I go with my mother I am aloud 1/2 hour. Max. And I always spend an hour. Ok so we go in there to buy 2 things. 1 can of crushed pineapple and 1 gallon of organic milk. We came out with two carts full and neither of those two things was in them. We have problems. Oh and today was a crummy day. First of all I got about 2 hours of sleep last night because of a migraine which I still have. Then this morning I spilled syrup ALL over my shirt while I was serving breakfast at my church. Oh and now I am doing "homework". I probably should start on that really soon!