Monday, February 2, 2009

Bruised Butt

Ya well the title kinda tells it. I went to the hospital to get some shots and well I was just so excited (no I just wanted to get inside because it was cold) that ran and slipped on a huge patch of ice and my feet went flying in the air and my butt went splat on the hard black asphalt. Ya so now I walk around with a completely unnoticeable (not) limp and say to everyone who asks ya I fell on my butt.

Boring Blog

I am sooo sorry because I just realized that if I followed my blog I would completely hate it. When I read other blogs all look for is pictures. Pictures always tell the story. Then I look at my blog I have no pictures!! Well I will change that one of these days. Just not know because well...there is no story. No story. No picture. OK now I am just rambling..sorry

There is always next year

What a bummer... we lost. Altho, we did put up good fight..we tried. Oh well there is always next year. Maybe the Vikings will have a successful Cinderella story next year.