Monday, December 28, 2009
The fact is that the vikings drive me crazy. More like insane. If you happened to watch the game today you would know exactly what I am talking about. The game had 3 interception, 6 returns, 2 fumbles, 5 incompletions and 10:42 seconds of overtime. Well, first of all there was 30 minutes of absolutley nothing from the vikings, not a touchdown, not a field goal, nothing. Coming back from half time with zero pionts on the board, everyone knew we had to do something. The board was 23-0. In 5:00 minutes first touchdown, great. 7 minutes later, 80 yards down the field, incompletion. Nothing. 4 minutes after that, touchdown. woohoo! Then, 6 minutes later 50 yards, incompletion. Nothing.Then, 6 minutes later, touchdown. Game tied. Overtime. 5 minutes later. Overtime. 2 returns. Nothing. 8 minutes into overtime 67 yards down the field. Fumble..Game over. So like I said, the vikings drive me crazy.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Christmas must be something more
"Christmas Must Be Something More"
What if ribbons and bows didn't mean a thing
Would the song still survive without five golden rings
Would you still wanna kiss without misletoe
What would happen if God never let it snow
What would happen if Christmas carols told a lie
Tell me what would you find
You'd see that today holds something special
Something holy, not superficial
So here's to the birthday boy who saved our lives
It's something we all try to ignore
And put a wreath up on your door
So here's something you should know that is for sure
Christmas must be something more
What if angels did not pay attention to
All the things that we wished they would always do
What if happiness came in a cardboard box
Then I think there is something we all forgot
What would happen if presents all went away
Tell me what would you find
You'd see that today holds something special
Something holy, not superficial
So here's to the birthday boy who saved our lives
It's something we all try to ignore
And put a wreath up on your door
So here's something you should know that is for sure
Christmas must be something more
We get so caught up in all of it
Business and relationships
Hundred mile an hour lives
And it's this time of year
And everybody's here
It seems the last thing on your mind
Is that the day holds something special
Something holy, not superficial
So here's to Jesus Christ who saved our lives
It's something we all try to ignore
And put a wreath up on your door
But here's something you should know that is for sure
Christmas must be something
Christmas must be something
Christmas must be something more
There's gotta be more
There's gotta be more
Saturday, December 19, 2009
The list
The list is currently sitting on my bedroom dresser gathering dust. The list for Christmas shopping that is. That's right, I havent started. The list is a mile long, the places are miles apart and I havent started. I am not going to even bother going out today, as I know the stores will be packed. So, I will just put it off for another day. Sooner or later, I will get it done. Probably on Christmas eve, but no worries it will be done.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
You could call it obsessed...
....or you could call it love. I have yet to tell you that I now have purchased my newly prized possession. I am overly obsessed. They are called uggs. I ordered them this week, and knew that they were coming today. So I ran home from the bus stop, nearly killed myself by falling on the ice, and the only motivation I had to get up was thinking that my uggs are on my doorstep, so I got up and started to limp to the rest of the way home. My eyes immediately spotted the brown box, I went inside and tore it open like a wild mad woman. Then they there were, layed neatly inside, waiting to be held. Ohh it was love at first sight. My feet sank into the softest, warmest sheepskin found on earth. And I have not taken them of since. Oh and if I haven't convinced you that I am overly obsessed yet, I will tell you that I named them mindy which means love.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
MckMama givaway
I am sure you all know MckMama, and I am sure you all know that she gives away fabulous prizes! Absolutely fabulous! Well, if anyone needs a new computer your in luck. MckMama is giving away a brand new HP touchsmart computer. The best computer in the world, it does EVERYTHING! So, do you want one? I thought so. Well then wiggle your mouse here and simply post a comment. The best prize+ simple to enter=priceless. So what are you waiting for?
Friday, December 11, 2009
Its called..
I haven't been doing much but what I am doing is alot. It is called school. The muchly dreaded six letter word. Don't get me wrong, I like school in fact i love it but The part of writing 6 page papers until three in the morning is the part that I could pass on. Well i guess I could blame myself for the three in the morning part, considering I dont start until midnight. What do I say? I'm a procrastinator. Let me tell you..the laundry is piled high. I must not have done laundry in a month! Yes. a month and yes I have to many clothes. Speaking of clothes, I got even more! No worries I got them on sale. The after-thanksgiving sale. You know, the one you get up at three in the morning step outside in 20 below degree weather and wonder why you are doing this? Yes, that sale. I also got a camera, a Nikon camera to be exact. So hopefully you will see more pictures on this blog, that are credited to me. I have to admit that i am the most technical person in the world, so my teacher gave me a lesson today. Most of it flew over the top of my head but a few things stuck. So I think. Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone, it time to think about Christmas. I have always loved Christmas. The family all around you, smiling at there newly prized possession. There is something about family that will always be different than friends. I dont even know what it is or how to explain how to explain it. You just gab a cup of cocoa, a blanket sit in you favorite chair, sit back and laugh until your teeth feel like they are going to fall out. Well, i guess that's it for today..
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Ok, Did I miss something?
Saturday, October 10, 2009
For the past few weeks, I have done what any average teenager does. Procrastinate. I have started my homework at 8:00 every night, finished at 12:00 every night, and not to mention, my room is a complete disaster, laundry is piled high and guess what I am doing right now?? absolutely nothing important...I'm blogging. But as far as my physical self goes, I'm fine. Haven't gotten the swine flu yet, so can't complain. As for my fun time? I watch my favorite show Castle every Monday night, and that's about it. My school's homecoming was last week. Super fun, until the football game, we lost 37 to 0. Oh and to top it all off, I have this teacher, Mr.H, that I student service for, well two days ago he gave me a project to wrap a box with yellow paper. Easy right? Wrong. The box had two be wrapped twice so that you couldn't see through the paper. It literally took me an hour to wrap this box, and then ok i was done, not the best i could have done but still good. So i thought. Mr.H forgot to tell me to put a sheet of paper IN the box so he tells me that I can re-do it tomorrow. Ok I shake it off and come back tomorrow to do my project again. This time I wrap it three times and put the sheet of paper inside the box. It was perfect. The best I could have done. He said "great"!!!"now put the address on it and I will send it off" I am like on cloud nine at this point. I just wrapped this box perfectly and he liked it. again so I thought. I returned the next day to find my 3 layers of yellow paper ripped up and in the trash. End of story.
Monday, September 14, 2009
As of now....
...i am trying to calm my racing heart down after running around the house with my head cut off, for the last 2 hours, trying to find my retainer. Yes, i know what you are all gonna say. Mariah?!! How could you loose your retainer?? It is not like I tried to loose it. I dont even remember taking it out, which makes it all worse. The possibilities of where is could be are dwindling. I have scoured this house head to toe and no luck. It's getting late, I still have to finish my homework and find my retainer. Ok I dont think this blogging thing is calming me down at all.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
What I did while you missed me......
In case you were wondering......
I went to camp for a week, met a Swedish girl, I kissed a fish, got my permit, I went to Colorado, rode on a bus for 42 hours, climbed a mountain, drove through a storm, got sick, I texted 2, 986 times, went shopping, I cleaned my room, found $27 worth of change, I went camping in frigid weather, found out i need a new sleeping bag, found a mouse, went to the fair, bought 58 cookies, and ate 47 of them, bought a new bike, got some hermit crabs, got my hair chopped off, went to Denver, walked 10 miles, got my braces off, slept on a bus, learned how to change oil in a car, went to Iowa, gave my dog a bath with herbal essence shampoo, went on a 25 mile bike ride, went to target 12 times, bought a new pair of shoes (crocs to be exact), went to the mall, counted my 23 pairs of jeans, stubbed my toes 14 times (yes I keep track), broke a lamp, went to a baseball game, made a bracelet, bought a coach purse, went white water rafting, played with my dog, planted a cactus, went to Kansas, and Nebraska, saw a lot of corn, ok so I will stop before you fall of your chair, but you get the point right? I did a lot of things, and now I have one more to add to the list, I blogged.
I went to camp for a week, met a Swedish girl, I kissed a fish, got my permit, I went to Colorado, rode on a bus for 42 hours, climbed a mountain, drove through a storm, got sick, I texted 2, 986 times, went shopping, I cleaned my room, found $27 worth of change, I went camping in frigid weather, found out i need a new sleeping bag, found a mouse, went to the fair, bought 58 cookies, and ate 47 of them, bought a new bike, got some hermit crabs, got my hair chopped off, went to Denver, walked 10 miles, got my braces off, slept on a bus, learned how to change oil in a car, went to Iowa, gave my dog a bath with herbal essence shampoo, went on a 25 mile bike ride, went to target 12 times, bought a new pair of shoes (crocs to be exact), went to the mall, counted my 23 pairs of jeans, stubbed my toes 14 times (yes I keep track), broke a lamp, went to a baseball game, made a bracelet, bought a coach purse, went white water rafting, played with my dog, planted a cactus, went to Kansas, and Nebraska, saw a lot of corn, ok so I will stop before you fall of your chair, but you get the point right? I did a lot of things, and now I have one more to add to the list, I blogged.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Its about time for an answer
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Confessions of a Shopaholic
Monday, July 13, 2009
Is the cup half full or half empty?
In another words, is summer half gone, or is there still half to go? Take your pick. I tend to lean to the possitive side and think of all the things that can still be done in the month and a half that I have left. Still, this summer, really has gone by super duper fast. No seriously. About a week ago I thought I was taking finals and look through the sunday adds and school supplies are starting to be on sale. Oh good grief.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
alligator, alligator eat 'em up, eat 'em up
On one of our many adventurous days in Florida, we went to the everglades. Rode across the alligator infested swamp going about 70 mph. Oh and look at what we found.....
why dont you just come a little closer......
now is the time to move to the other side of the boat.....
{too bad Hannah was on that side}
Ok i'm done dont want to see another alligator in my life...
i didnt mind a little bit kinder of creatures coming along...this is now my buddy....

pictures credited to Hannah Thompson
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The beach
Here is some of the pictures of the beach that I ahem ok hannah took during our florida trip.

I love the beach, the feel of the soft smooth sand between you toes.

I love the beach, the feel of the soft smooth sand between you toes.
Here we sat in our broken chairs soaking up the sun watching the waves ride in.......
....and this is what hannah did while sitting on the beach....
and she did this because she...well.... forgot her swimming suit. who goes to the beach without her swimming suit? apparently hannah.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day
Well Happy Father's Day. I am trying not to be biased or anything but I think I have the greatest dad of all. We played golf together. That was fun. For a present me and Hannah pooled our money and bought my dad a new blender. It a really nice one and it had one of those with a glass cup instead of plastic. And know we're broke.
Wow it has been a while...
Yes yes I know you missed me. Thanks. Ok so you probably realized that I have been gone. I went to FLORIDA!! for about 2 weeks. It was a blast we went to Ft. Myers Beach which was stunningly beautiful and walked and walked and walked some more along the shore line. It was about 98 degrees everyday. I just about went through a whole stick of deoderant you could say. Then we made out way up to orlando. Visited Sea World, walked some more around there. It really is a great park there is lots of rides, shows, and exhibits. We saw a few shows, saw numerous exhibits. Then we headed off to Discovery Cove and got a chance to swim and play with dolphins. Yes real alive ones. We went swimming with them and of course they had to show off their tricks. At the same place we also went snorkeling in a coral reef which was a blast we saw tons of exotic fish and sting rays. It was really fun except when you swallow the sea water....not so fun. Anyway the next day we went to Sea World again saw some more shows and animals, walked around some more and ate ice cream. Then we headed of to Daytona spent a few days there, walked some more and then awww we actually just sat. Yes we did indeed. We sat on the beach. It was a beautiful sight, I should have taken a picture. We never ever ever...let me repeat we never ever ever sit not even for a second, we walk and walk and walk and walk some more until out feet fall off. But not this day no we awwww sat on the nice soft sand with towels and umbrellas, we went swimming and sat down again. We all got sunburned, well not all of us... Hannah sat under 3 umbrellas the whole time and lathered herself with 100 spf sunscreen. Ya I know. Well I guess she didn't get a tan. We stayed at hotel on the beach, listened to the ocean. Fabulous. Just Fabulous. Then we went out for ice cream again at Friendley's. Great ice cream . Really. I ordered vanilla with chocolate chip cookie dough. yum yum yum.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
This I would consider to be the worst week of school. The week of staying up until 2 in the morning every day, the week of studying until your brains fall out, the week of taking test after test after test and only to realize your still no done. the week of sitting on your bed, slouched over staring at a book until your back can no longer move, the week of only getting up to use the bathroom, the week of only 2 meals a day, the week of reviewing and reviewing and more reviewing, the week of memorizing, yes, this is the week of finals.....
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Did you get it right?
Karoke really means 'empty orchestra'. I don't really think that it is ment as a compliment.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Did you get it right?
The most common name in the world is Mohammed.
Congratulations to Paige for being the first and only person to get it right. The Burt's Bees lip balm pack is headed your way!
Congratulations to Paige for being the first and only person to get it right. The Burt's Bees lip balm pack is headed your way!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
I problably should explain...
Yes I know I have been gone...for a little over a week now. It didn't seem very long ago since I last posted but it said my last post is on June 9th so I thought I would give you a quick update. During the past week my family has been taking turns going up to Michigan about 3 times. It's because of my grandma. She is not doing so well. They say she is a modeled color which means she is not getting enough oxygen, she hasn't responded to anyone, nothing, it is like she can't hear. I call her response. Then the oddest thing happened the other day. I put my hand on the bed and she took my hand and squeezed it. That was all I needed. Something. I sign for me to know that she is there. Then she went back to her "normal" and acted like it never happened. Or like that took all her energy. Now all she she does is moan. They give her morphine around the clock and she never changes. She has fluid in her lungs now and is gasping for air. I hate to see her like this. All those time I would sit in her living room and she would sing to me about a little red fox and a big black bear. She would sing and sing until her voice grew tired. And now I sit here with tears rolling down my cheeks knowing that I will never here her voice again. I took it all for granted then and now she cant even squeeze my hand.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Triva Winner(s)
Well after reading all 3 of the comments. ahem. I have found that you are all cheaters. Yes, you are, for I actually went on google and typed in 'how long does a cat sleep a day' and what do you know, it said a cat sleep 13-18 hours a day. Well and you both got that exact same answer. ahem. I actually did some research and 3 out of the 4 websites said that a cat sleeps 16-18 hours a day. So know that I have two cheaters and a prize in my hand what is a girl to do? So here is the deal this time around I will let it slide and will give you the prize. The only problem is that there is 2 people and 1 prize. So then I would say well you can share it but knowing Hannah and Paige they would never share. Nope. So I guess that I just have to come up with two prizes now. They will both be the same lip balm back so you don't have to worry about it suddenly disappearing. Well now I guess it is time to say Congratulations. Altho, you are still cheaters.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Ok I give up I have posted um.. 14 trivia tuesdays and um.. have gotten a total of 2 guesses. Um.. Ok. So in order to liven up my Trivia Tuesday's I have decided to give out prizes. So this week the prize is... my favorite ever lip balm pack. That's right so guess away...

(Oh and I can only give this out to my followers sorry it is just easier, but you can still guess! Yes, Linda you can guess and win too)
I can see the end of the tunnel
I am soo thrilled that school is almost over!! Don't get me wrong, I like school but there is a time where you say enough is enough. You could say there is about 22 days left or so no exactly 22 I have been counting. I am soo excited for this summer to much stuff to do, so little time!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
50 things about me
1. I hate getting up in the morning
2. I am a huge procrastinator
3. I love my God
4. I think about the things that i could have done differently over and over again
5. I hate Pizza
6. My eyes water for no reason
7. I like to swallow pills
8. I always shop for good deals
9. I like school
10. School hates me
11. I am a germaphobic
12. I always wear makeup
13. You will never see me without a purse
14.I have a passion for dogs
15. I plan things out excessively
16. I love to play golf
17. I love the sun
18. I like to watch people
19. I chatter a lot
20. I am lazy
21. I never paint my fingernails, altho I have painted my dogs'
22. I like the smell of gasoline
23. I have a phobia of ice.
22. I eat a lot
23. I always put my hair up
22. My room is always organized
23. I love sleeping
24. I never wear any piece of clothing twice without washing it.
25. I do 5 loads of laundry a week
26. I hate when people wash my clothes
27. I hate reading
28. I love rain
29. I love to watch Castle
30. I keep a schedule on my cell phone
31. I hate to brush my teeth
32. Piano seems to be a waste of my time
33. I always start my homework at the beginning of an hour
34.I love to shop for appliances
35. I own a cactus
36. I change my outfit at least twice a day
37. I don't mind giving presentations
38. I always have a water bottle with me
39. I can never go to bed early
40. I spend all my money on pets
41. I can spend 3 hours easily in Petco
42. I like to hear the sound "you've got mail" on my computer
43. My back hurts a lot
44. I get a weekly massage
45. I draw out plans of my future house
46. I like to make a mess
example: shred paper apart until it is no longer shred able
47. I hate being the center of attention
48. I press the snooze button 6 times before I wake up
49. I like to google everything
50. I have no idea what twitter is
2. I am a huge procrastinator
3. I love my God
4. I think about the things that i could have done differently over and over again
5. I hate Pizza
6. My eyes water for no reason
7. I like to swallow pills
8. I always shop for good deals
9. I like school
10. School hates me
11. I am a germaphobic
12. I always wear makeup
13. You will never see me without a purse
14.I have a passion for dogs
15. I plan things out excessively
16. I love to play golf
17. I love the sun
18. I like to watch people
19. I chatter a lot
20. I am lazy
21. I never paint my fingernails, altho I have painted my dogs'
22. I like the smell of gasoline
23. I have a phobia of ice.
22. I eat a lot
23. I always put my hair up
22. My room is always organized
23. I love sleeping
24. I never wear any piece of clothing twice without washing it.
25. I do 5 loads of laundry a week
26. I hate when people wash my clothes
27. I hate reading
28. I love rain
29. I love to watch Castle
30. I keep a schedule on my cell phone
31. I hate to brush my teeth
32. Piano seems to be a waste of my time
33. I always start my homework at the beginning of an hour
34.I love to shop for appliances
35. I own a cactus
36. I change my outfit at least twice a day
37. I don't mind giving presentations
38. I always have a water bottle with me
39. I can never go to bed early
40. I spend all my money on pets
41. I can spend 3 hours easily in Petco
42. I like to hear the sound "you've got mail" on my computer
43. My back hurts a lot
44. I get a weekly massage
45. I draw out plans of my future house
46. I like to make a mess
example: shred paper apart until it is no longer shred able
47. I hate being the center of attention
48. I press the snooze button 6 times before I wake up
49. I like to google everything
50. I have no idea what twitter is
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Did you get it right?
In the early days of the telephone, operators would pick up a call and use the phrase, "Well, are you there?". It wasn't until 1895 that someone suggested answering the phone with the phrase "number please?"
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Trivia Tuesday
The days of missing trivia is over! I have now discovered how to schedule posts. (Thank you..Thank you very much) So now I have trivias all set for at least 5 months or so...
In the early days of the telephone, operators would pick up a call and use what phrase?
In the early days of the telephone, operators would pick up a call and use what phrase?
Monday, April 20, 2009
My hopless habits
I have many habits and they seem to be all hopeless to control. The main one is procrastination. For an example, As of right now it is 9:53 and I have not done an once of homework. No chores, No piano, No shower Nothing. I have sat here and um... watched a movie, read the target ad 6 times, um...texted, blogged and blogged some more. I am hopeless. A very annoying habit is when I am at the grocery store I have a compulsive urge to fix things. Not kidding. Me and Hannah go up and down the isles and find anything and everything that is out of place and have to put it in the correct place. Oh and clearance items well I love them, but I have to buy one of everything. For an example, I was in the checkout isle at Target and well...gum was on clearance. I love gum. So what does a gum-loving girl do? Buys it ALL. That's right I bought one of every flavor because I simply couldn't decide. So if anyone needs gum, let me know.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Did you get it right?
What fun is Trivia without the answers? well here they are...
Odontophobia is the fear of teeth.
The 57 on Heinz ketchup bottles represents the number of varieties of pickles the company once had.
That's alot of pickeles!
Odontophobia is the fear of teeth.
The 57 on Heinz ketchup bottles represents the number of varieties of pickles the company once had.
That's alot of pickeles!
Woah...slow down
In my perspective today has gone by soo fast, this week has gone by soo fast, this quarter has gone by soo fast and even this year has gone by WAY to fast. Anyone agree with me? Seriously I heard that we only have about 36 days left of school! That is insane!! I feel like I just took my semester finals and now I have to take them again in about a month! I guess I better start studying now. Well that's exciting. Don't get me wrong I am super excited about summer it is just that were did the time go? I feel like I have done nothing productive this whole year!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Trivia "Tuesday"
Yes I know that it is a Wednesday but I just can't live without posting another trivia. I missed it last week and every since I have been kicking myself. So here it is (now i am posting two to make up for last week)
What is the name for 'the fear of teeth'?
I know you are just dying to hear another one...
What does the 57 on the Heinz ketchup bottle represent?
What is the name for 'the fear of teeth'?
I know you are just dying to hear another one...
What does the 57 on the Heinz ketchup bottle represent?
Monday, April 13, 2009
Let's Run Through the Rain
Here is a poem I found, I thought it fit my blog title well so I thought maybe you would like to read it:
A little girl had been shopping with her Mom in Wal-Mart. She must have been 6-years-old, this beautiful red-haired, freckle-faced image of innocence. It was pouring outside. The kind of rain that gushes over the top of rain gutters, so much in a hurry to hit the earth it has no time to flow down the spout. We all stood there under the awning and just inside the door of the Wal-Mart.
We waited, some patiently, others irritated because nature messed up their hurried day. I am always mesmerized by rainfall. I got lost in the sound and sight of the heavens washing away the dirt and dust of the world. Memories of running, splashing so carefree as a child came pouring in as a welcome reprieve from the worries of my day.
The little voice was so sweet as it broke the hypnotic trance we were all caught in: "Mom, let's run through the rain," she said.
"What?" Mom asked.
"Let's run through the rain!" she repeated.
"No, honey. We'll wait until it slows down a bit," Mom replied.
This young child waited about another minute and repeated: "Mom, let's run through the rain."
"We'll get soaked if we do," Mom said.
"No, we won't, Mom. That's not what you said this morning," the young girl said as she tugged at her Mom's arm.
"This morning? When did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?"
"Don't you remember? When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer, you said, 'If God can get us through this, he can get us through anything!"
The entire crowd stopped dead silent. I swear you couldn't hear anything but the rain. We all stood silently. No one came or left in the next few minutes.
Mom paused and thought for a moment about what she would say.
Now some would laugh it off and scold her for being silly. Some might even ignore what was said. But this was a moment of affirmation in a young child's life. A time when innocent trust can be nurtured so that it will bloom into faith.
"Honey, you are absolutely right. Let's run through the rain. If God let's us get wet, well maybe we just needed washing," Mom said.
Then off they ran. We all stood watching, smiling and laughing as they darted past the cars and, yes, through the puddles. They got soaked. But they were followed by a few who screamed and laughed like children all the way to their cars.
And yes, I did. I ran. I got wet. I needed washing
A little girl had been shopping with her Mom in Wal-Mart. She must have been 6-years-old, this beautiful red-haired, freckle-faced image of innocence. It was pouring outside. The kind of rain that gushes over the top of rain gutters, so much in a hurry to hit the earth it has no time to flow down the spout. We all stood there under the awning and just inside the door of the Wal-Mart.
We waited, some patiently, others irritated because nature messed up their hurried day. I am always mesmerized by rainfall. I got lost in the sound and sight of the heavens washing away the dirt and dust of the world. Memories of running, splashing so carefree as a child came pouring in as a welcome reprieve from the worries of my day.
The little voice was so sweet as it broke the hypnotic trance we were all caught in: "Mom, let's run through the rain," she said.
"What?" Mom asked.
"Let's run through the rain!" she repeated.
"No, honey. We'll wait until it slows down a bit," Mom replied.
This young child waited about another minute and repeated: "Mom, let's run through the rain."
"We'll get soaked if we do," Mom said.
"No, we won't, Mom. That's not what you said this morning," the young girl said as she tugged at her Mom's arm.
"This morning? When did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?"
"Don't you remember? When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer, you said, 'If God can get us through this, he can get us through anything!"
The entire crowd stopped dead silent. I swear you couldn't hear anything but the rain. We all stood silently. No one came or left in the next few minutes.
Mom paused and thought for a moment about what she would say.
Now some would laugh it off and scold her for being silly. Some might even ignore what was said. But this was a moment of affirmation in a young child's life. A time when innocent trust can be nurtured so that it will bloom into faith.
"Honey, you are absolutely right. Let's run through the rain. If God let's us get wet, well maybe we just needed washing," Mom said.
Then off they ran. We all stood watching, smiling and laughing as they darted past the cars and, yes, through the puddles. They got soaked. But they were followed by a few who screamed and laughed like children all the way to their cars.
And yes, I did. I ran. I got wet. I needed washing
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter
"Today is the the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it"
I love Easter, getting together with family, eating a delicious feast and hunting for those eater eggs! (which i still do) Gotta Love It!!
I love Easter, getting together with family, eating a delicious feast and hunting for those eater eggs! (which i still do) Gotta Love It!!
Ok sorry about the title, but what else do I say? *insert clever blog tile here*? Ok so first I went on a ok BIG shopping spree but hey Who doesn't like shopping? It was really fun I only bought about um.. 10 pairs of jeans. Don't judge me. I like jeans. Oh and maybe one or two ok three pairs of sweatpants. A pair of badly needed wind pants. I need them for golf, my legs just about fall if the the wind doesn't blow them away. Also maybe a few shirts I am not going to tell you how many because then your eye balls will them fall of and you will not be able to read the rest of this post. Then of I go to Target to buy some necessities. Spent about an hour in there. Altho, it NOT my fault, every time I go with my mother I am aloud 1/2 hour. Max. And I always spend an hour. Ok so we go in there to buy 2 things. 1 can of crushed pineapple and 1 gallon of organic milk. We came out with two carts full and neither of those two things was in them. We have problems. Oh and today was a crummy day. First of all I got about 2 hours of sleep last night because of a migraine which I still have. Then this morning I spilled syrup ALL over my shirt while I was serving breakfast at my church. Oh and now I am doing "homework". I probably should start on that really soon!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Untitled for a reason
If you know my mother, than you will know that she is obsessed with finding a good deal. Recently she started being obsessed with selling a good deal. That's right she has been selling everything from lamps to clothes to chairs on craigslist. Our most recent buyer came yesterday. He was about 30 years old or so and happened to mention that they have 2 little boys. My mother's light bulb turn on and said, Hey I have 2 teenage girls that would be glad to babysit for you! WHAT!!??!! Is she insane!! He went out the door before I could say anything. On the other hand; she didn't think their was anything wrong with the fact that she completely volunteered us to babysit. Then I said, for a complete stranger? Her response; Ohh..
Monday, April 6, 2009
As most of you know I have horrible cooking skills, seriously never ever ever ask me to cook for you. Don't get me wrong, I would love to cook for you and I actually enjoy cooking but I would feel terribly sorry for you. Altho there is one thing that I have made (with the help of my sister of course) that didn't turn out all that bad. It took a while, but it was worth it. So here my journey of making pie begins,

End Result: Priceless

This is also my first picture(s) on my blog. :)
Rule #1: Never, ever, ever make pie when your parents are home. Save them a trip to the hospital from seeing this
This is also my first picture(s) on my blog. :)
Poor Baby
If you have never heard of Mckmama then you must click here. Altho, I am sure that most of you have, I just want take precautions. Stellan is not doing well, he has been on a physical and emotional roller coaster for about 3 weeks. About 2 weeks ago they saw improvement, his STV had been gone for 24 hours, then suddenly STV crept back. Now, they are thinking of different treatments. They want to move him across the country to have an ablation. Don't ask me what it is. Now the family has to decide if they are all going to move with him. Before the Children's Hospital was only a few miles away from there house, but now it is going to be a many hundreds of miles if not, a thousand. Please pray for Mckmama and her family that God would show them guidance of what to do is this difficult situation. Also pray for the doctor's that if they choose to do the procedure that is goes smoothly.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Spring Break
Oh.. how I love spring break. Seriously, what is isn't to like? You get to sleep in, enjoy the sunshine, hang out and well do whatever you want. Unless, you have homework of course. But who doesn't wait until Sunday night anyway. I have no plans, (except for blogging) which I am actually really glad about. An average high-school's life can get enormously chaotic. No time for themselves. It is really quiet sad, once I think about it I go to school, I go to golf, I come and do homework until about midnight. Well that's exciting. So this week it is all about me. (Not to sound conceded or anything..) but that's how I want it to me. Time to myself, time to enjoy my life that God has given to me. And I am excited.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sweet 16
Today is my birthday. I ate Tommy Chicago's pizza ( I know I normally do not like pizza but this is actually not to bad) and had some Cold Stone. The I opened presents! I got a pair of shoes, a cool water bottle, a carry-on luggage bag, gift cards, chocolates, and of course money. Then I went to a play at a church with my friend. Oooh and coolest of all, Stellen's Story was on the news at 10:00. That's super cool. Next up, is homework!! Who gives homework on my birthday?
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Pray, Pray, Pray
Stellen needs out prayers. You can read his story here. Stellen is an incredible little boy who has STV. He has been in the PICU for over a week now and his condition is getting worse. He is going into heart failure. At first it was not a very big deal but then they couldn't stop it he went into V-Tach and now his heart function is slipping away. They have tried many different medications and it isn't helping. He needs our prayers tonight. "Wherever there is two our more calling my name I am there" Mathew 18:20
Sorry to say, but I have been avoiding you.
Why you ask? Well I you scroll down this entire page and look at the comments on every single post you will notice that they are all a goose egg. Well, it looks like you are avoiding me. Why, I ask I simply do not know. I post and post and post, I complain and complain and still nobody says a word. Hmmm...
Thursday, March 26, 2009
What a drag...
Today was a horrible day. First there was a test in every single class and to make it worse i was completely unaware and unprepared for them. You see I was only at school 1 day this week and they still made me fail. I had no hope. It was horrible I just stared at the 10 page thick packet and felt blind. I had no idea what it was saying. Then I had to sit through a documentary movie in the last hour of the day which I completely fell asleep through and to my surprise their was a pop quiz at the end. Then I had to walk home from my old school. It was freezing, my hood would not stay on and the snow blew my face numb. I was hoping to get a little 'spirit lifting' when I went on her blog. But more bad news. Stellen is still in STV. Oh and to top it all off I have to wake up at 7:00 tomorrow to go to school on a non school day. Yes that is right no school tomorrow and I have to go take a test. Grr... Oh and there is always more I will be up until about 1:00 in the morning to study. Not cool.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Going to STATE!!
You know it! our my high school is going to the state basketball tournament. I am super pumped. I am going all out for dressing up. War paint and all. Last year we made it to the final round and lost but we were going all the way. Watch out!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Do I have to many?
Well I currently have
76 T-shirts
24 Tank tops
19 shorts
17 pairs of jeans
12 Long sleeve shirts
10 pairs of capris
9 sweaters
76 T-shirts
24 Tank tops
19 shorts
17 pairs of jeans
12 Long sleeve shirts
10 pairs of capris
9 sweaters
and about 7 sweatshirts
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Are you just stumped?
How come nobody ever guesses on my Trivia Tuesday's? Is it when you go on my blog your mind just goes blank at the sight of trivia? Not only have I not had a comment on Trivia Tuesday I have not had a comment for over a week. Do I seriously have to complain on my own blog to get you to comment? pathetic. Ok so instead of me complaining every week I will hand out prizes to the winner. Sound good? Ok now guess away. If more than one person gets it right it will be the fastest one who wins.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
New Class Buddies
My Biology class is hatching ducks. We started will 12 eggs and we waited and waited for 31 days and then Wall La we have ducks. Only 2 ducks survived but we are supposed to get some more. They are soo adorable. I really want to bring one home not like she will let me though. They were chirping all hour. I just wanted to reach in the cage and shove gently place one both of them in my backpack. My mom has always wanted a duck but she says they smell so we cant keep it in the house and we can't keep it in the backyard because we have coyotes. Oh well. Maybe I will take one home for the weekend.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Trivia Tuesday
What number is found on the back of a $5 bill in the bushes on the base of the Lincoln Memorial?
Monday, March 16, 2009
A Bad Day All in All
Today was a not-so-good-day. Well first of all it was a Monday. Oh I hate Mondays the thought of getting up 5 hours earlier than you normally would after a weekend and staying up until midnight on a Sunday night to do homework and still not finish. We didn't win the spirit competition. I had a pop quiz in Math. I fell asleep in English. I forgot to do my climbing pile of laundry. I never practiced piano and the lesson is tomorrow. I tripped over a LEAF on my driveway. Yes, a leaf. I choked then swallowed my gum. and there are no comments on my blog.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Thanks to the New Viewers
Welcome to all the new viewers. I noticed that my counter has been a little high lately. Well, this is my blog and I know it isn't much but it's me and I like it. Most of you problably found me from the comment I made on Mckmama's blog and my blog is nothing compared to her's. I write really random posts, most of them are meaning less and have many spelling mistakes but I hope you enjoy them anyway. oh and in case you want to vote click here fo Henry Sibley. As for me, I am an average sleep-deprived highschooler who loves the Lord.
You better watch your back it's Friday the 13. No I'm just kidding I don't believe in all that superstitious bologna. I have been alive for 15 going on 16 years and have never had anything happen to me on Friday the 13. So go live the day normally and to the fullest.
If you are reading this...
If you are reading this you most likely go to my school. If you go to my school you know about the spirit contest that Fox is holding. Well, as of right now we are technically loosing, it says that we are tied but the score is 24, 968 to 24,402 . I have never been on the loosing side before but we are now. Not by much but by enough. It doesn't matter if you go to my school or not please vote!! We need you. All you need to do is go here that will bring you to the sight, you can make an account or many accounts.You can vote every hour. Please vote!! Thanks.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Like the New Picture?
I just couldn't resist adding this new picture. It is soo funny and cute at the same time. I love it . In case you missed the pitcture or you can't find it. I over there. ----------------------------->> (well, if you are reading this a little late, it is on the very top right hand corner.) If you see ducks you have the right one. :)
Did you get it right?
You would need 3 quarters, 4 dimes and 4 pennies, then you would have $1.19, but yow would not have change for a dollar.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
New Show
So there is a new show that started yesterday, actually 2 shows. The first one is Dancing with the Stars. I am sure you have all heard of it, their is a few people on there that you might know. First there is Shawn Johnson the Olympic gymnast. Then there is Mellisa who joined 24 hours before the 1st dance competition, due to a injury. Yes the Mellisa who recently was rejected by the bachelor. The second show is Castle and it sounds AMAZING. I recorded it but haven't watched it yet. Has anyone out there watch Castle yet? If so, tell me.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Target or Walmart?
Ok so I have one no four ok all of my friends are very biased on their opinion of Target or Walmart but I must say (now friends don't get mad, it's just an opinion) I for one do not care. Walmart is a little cheaper but is not very nice to their employees. Target has nicer stuff but can get little spendy. So now where do you shop? I normally wouldn't say this but I think you should shop at Target, just for now. I know the economy is not at it's best and we need to save money. But last week Target lost 15% of its shoppers to Walmart and now are doing poorly. What would happen if Target went under? Do you think people would gain any hope? I don't they in fact would loose it. Now is not the time to loose hope, the economy needs it. Hope=Better Economy. So support your neighborly Target and support your economy.
Trivia Tuesday
What is the largest amount of money, in coins, that you can have without making change for a dollar?
Monday, March 9, 2009
It is a fact I am terrible at debates. I have to do a debate tomorrow for Biology about Genetically modified foods.What to I say???Well I know what to say, I just don't know how to say it. I am on the con side and have a whole page of facts written down but when someone has a good argument I have no good comeback. You don't even want to hear my comebacks their soo bad. I am not that bothered by crowds (which I am very thankful for) but arguing in front of crowds is not my thing. Well I guess you are the only ones that can wish me hope because I have no hope to give myself.
They call it sickness....
As you all may no It is now cold season. Cold season and me do not get along. High school is probably the easiest way to get sick, they for one never wash their hands, touch every door knob, ever handrail, every desk, everything. Then if one person get sick, everyone does. Well except for me. Or so I thought. I for one always wash my hands before I get to school, before lunch, after lunch. before and after every bathroom break and after school. I nearly wash my hands every hour. I carry hand sanitizer every where so surely I would never ever get sick. I never touch door handles or railings either. I am a plain germaphobic you could say. Except today I am sick. In fact I always get sick. No one else in my family hardly ever gets sick and they never wash their hand. I don't get it. Can someone please explain this to me?
Sleepful Monday
Today was a once-in-a-lifetime possibility. I got to sleeeep in. Yes I woke up at the normal time (which is now one hour earlier) and heard Hannah press the snooze button so I quickly went back to sleep. Then I woke up to the peacful sound of my mother obviously very annoyed at the time and said WAKE UP!!!!!. I was 8:00 then my sister woke up and she simply said 3 words. Let's sleep in. My mother's mood changed in a blink of an eye. One moment she was in a very cranky mood, the mood that you say uhoh. and then the next she said in a clam manner "ok". I was getting mixed messaged I wasn't bothered by it to much it just means that I get to sleep in. And you never argue with that point.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Homework or blogging?
Hmm. Well as usual I haven't started on my homework and of course I am blogging. What is wrong with me???I have sooooo much homework and conferences are tomorrow so I absolutely have to get all of it done. I had to go to church and I absolutely had to watch my favorite T.V. show lost. It was amazing and now it is currently 9:48 and guess what no homework done yet and I am still hers, I have serious issues. No joke. I have no self control my mind has no idea what I am doing and my fingers are typing away. I try to make my self stop but their must be a short circuit somewhere between my brain and hands because they still won't stop. See look I am typing about typing nothing and my fingers are still moving. Ok now I HAVE to STOP.
Jenna's beyond blonde moment
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
The Bachelor
WARNING* Jenna do not read the beginning* Will make you mad*Read the end* Will make you happy*WARNING
OK so I do admit the bachelor can be a little..Jenna your still reading..stop...a little phony. I mean seriously, falling in love with someone in 6 weeks??Even before that??How can 25 women all love the same guy on the first day of meeting him? I don't get it. Then they got into all these cat-fights saying:
"Oh I love him soooooo much"
"Are you kidding..he doesn't love you..he loves meee."
Yes that how cat-fights go at the bachelor house. So OK JENNA READ NOW..Altho I have opinions on the bachelor I decided to start watching this season. This season actually surprised me, it wasn't all that bad. Even though the end completely ruined it. It still was worth watching. The Bachelor was named Jason, he is a single dad to a little boy that is adorable names Ty. He has been on the bachelorette before to DeAnna and was the last two to remain. He was not picked obviously. So then he got married to another women and then their came Ty. Awww. Sweet happy ending. Not. He got divorced. Then he came on the bachelor. He started out with 25 women and long story short he ended up with two. Malissa and Molly. He pick Malissa. Then last night on 'after the rose' he divorced her because guess what he still had feelings for Molly. Naughty..Naughty. She was MAD. She was so mad that this guy that she was so in love with, well she called him a bastard. I like Molly more so I was happy. After saying good buy he had to meet Molly again and He told her thelong short story and asked her for another shot. At first she was laughing, but then she said that she would be lying if she said that she didn't like this. So now they are off in New Zealand going on a date. But wait there is more but this time instead of me telling you the rest you have to watch it yourself. Yes that involves turning on the television switching the station to Chanel 5 at 8:00 sharp. The 'after the rose part 2' is on and you better watch it. I know me and Jenna will. :-)
OK so I do admit the bachelor can be a little..Jenna your still reading..stop...a little phony. I mean seriously, falling in love with someone in 6 weeks??Even before that??How can 25 women all love the same guy on the first day of meeting him? I don't get it. Then they got into all these cat-fights saying:
"Oh I love him soooooo much"
"Are you kidding..he doesn't love you..he loves meee."
Yes that how cat-fights go at the bachelor house. So OK JENNA READ NOW..Altho I have opinions on the bachelor I decided to start watching this season. This season actually surprised me, it wasn't all that bad. Even though the end completely ruined it. It still was worth watching. The Bachelor was named Jason, he is a single dad to a little boy that is adorable names Ty. He has been on the bachelorette before to DeAnna and was the last two to remain. He was not picked obviously. So then he got married to another women and then their came Ty. Awww. Sweet happy ending. Not. He got divorced. Then he came on the bachelor. He started out with 25 women and long story short he ended up with two. Malissa and Molly. He pick Malissa. Then last night on 'after the rose' he divorced her because guess what he still had feelings for Molly. Naughty..Naughty. She was MAD. She was so mad that this guy that she was so in love with, well she called him a bastard. I like Molly more so I was happy. After saying good buy he had to meet Molly again and He told her the
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Snow Day?
If only the snow came sooner. Last night was every teenager's dream. A snow day. Or so we thought. The news declared 5-7 inches. Ya!!!. This means no school. This means stay up until 2 in the morning and don't do your homework. And this means a 4 day weekend. Then to my surprise I was woken up at 7:30. What?!! This must be a mistake. I looked out my window to assure myself it was a mistake and then I would calmly go back to my deprived sleep. Again so I thought. It was no mistake. Their was no frost on my window, no icicles hanging from the roof and NO SNOW!! The ground was brown and as bare as can be. My hopes plummeted to the ground. After gathering enough will power to get dressed and just enough to brush my teeth, I through my hair up in a bun and I walked out the door. It was horrible. Then at about 2:00 the snow finally decided to come. I ran walked out to the bus in about mid thigh deep snow. The temperature, however, was not cold. The roads were not plowed and we had a horrible bus driver. So I thought I would have a higher chance of survival if I walked home. Then the weather decided to turn cold and windy and once again to snow. Except it didn't really snow, it was too cold for that, the snowflakes turned to ice blocks. It took us about twice as long to get home, but I lived so I can't complain too much. At least now we have a fresh clean layer of snow to cover up the ugly brown grass.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Trivia Tuesday
If there are 12 ducks in a pond and 4 of them died and the rest grew up and had 12 kids each how many is there now?
Monday, February 23, 2009
Come on....
I click on my 'comment moderation' tab, hoping, wishing there will be an unmoderated comment but no. For the past month I bring my hopes up and then they just fall back down. How would you feel if you never had any comments, not one, notta, zippo for an entire month. Not cool. So how about next time when I come on here I will leave my hopes down and you bring them back up. Sound like a plan? I think so..
Ya, I guess I am supposed to do this project on I am not sure what to right about them. I am not even sure if I know what they are. Then I am supposed to dress like one. Ya, I am not sure if that is going to work out. How am I supposed to dress like vandal?? I don't even own any black. Than I am supposed to make an artifact?? What?
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Week of Television
7:00- Extreme Makeover Home Addition
9:00- The Unit
7:00- The Bachelor
9:00- True Beauty
7:00- Homeland Security
7:00- Lost
8:00- Lost
9:00- ER
7:00- Wife Swap
8:00- Super Nanny
8:00- Flashpoint
9:00- Numb3rs
Now am i going to watch all of these? Not a chance. I am not that bad.
7:00- Extreme Makeover Home Addition
9:00- The Unit
7:00- The Bachelor
9:00- True Beauty
7:00- Homeland Security
7:00- Lost
8:00- Lost
9:00- ER
7:00- Wife Swap
8:00- Super Nanny
8:00- Flashpoint
9:00- Numb3rs
Now am i going to watch all of these? Not a chance. I am not that bad.
Yes I know I am a average teenager who waits until 11:00 on an extended weekend to even think about homework. I am a procrastinator. I have done plenty of things, but nothing that matters. Yes, it's true. And now I have to read 20 pages in a book that I have no idea what it is about and I just so happen to have a test on that book tomorrow. great. I also have a test to do ya.. we are given once in a life time chance to take a test home and practically cheat and I blew it. Ignored it. Thought nothing of it. And of course all these mistakes come to mind at 11:00. Well I probably should leave right now and go do my homework, of course, I'm not. I'm still here. I look up at my sister and see her scrambling to finish her ceiling high pile homework and I just sit here and blog. Aww. It's a hard life.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Happy Hearts Day!
Just a little something for you all...
( I know you are all turning your heads side to side, sitting upside down trying to figure out what this is.. it's a heart. Kinda. Can you see it?)
( I know you are all turning your heads side to side, sitting upside down trying to figure out what this is.. it's a heart. Kinda. Can you see it?)
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Is 14 enough?
Well I am sure all of you have heard about the mom who gave birth to octuplets a couple of weeks ago. Then it turns out she has 6 other children and she is single. She is on welfare and is unemployed. Then she pays 10,000 to get pregnant? 6 times? Oh and the news gets worse, ( I am not saying having children is bad news) but she gets pregnant with 8. How is she going to afford that? Why would she want more that 6 children, if she can't even afford them? Oh and she lives with her parents. I just don't get it.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
When the cats away the mice will play
Well it' s true. Every teenagers dream, parents away on the weekend. What does that mean? You can do whatever you want. Yup you can stand on the table, jump on the bed, watch T.V. all day, leave the house a mess, well you can do just about anything.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
I guess only I would know
Have you ever went to google (of course you all have) and typed in google? I'm guessing no, but today I did and guess how many results came up? 2,610,000,000 !!! How many googles can there possibly be?
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
Bruised Butt
Ya well the title kinda tells it. I went to the hospital to get some shots and well I was just so excited (no I just wanted to get inside because it was cold) that ran and slipped on a huge patch of ice and my feet went flying in the air and my butt went splat on the hard black asphalt. Ya so now I walk around with a completely unnoticeable (not) limp and say to everyone who asks ya I fell on my butt.
Boring Blog
I am sooo sorry because I just realized that if I followed my blog I would completely hate it. When I read other blogs all look for is pictures. Pictures always tell the story. Then I look at my blog I have no pictures!! Well I will change that one of these days. Just not know because well...there is no story. No story. No picture. OK now I am just rambling..sorry
There is always next year
What a bummer... we lost. Altho, we did put up good fight..we tried. Oh well there is always next year. Maybe the Vikings will have a successful Cinderella story next year.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Now is such an exciting time it is Superbowl time the champs vs. champs. I am definitely voting for the cardinals and there is no changing my mind. It's called underdogs. Whoop.Whoop. Always Always vote for the underdogs. The cardinals are going to shock the world just face it so you better get on my side now because YOUR GOING DOWN!! Oh, and there is also another part of the Superbowl, the commercials, can't miss those!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Movie Friday
So I decided to start something new. Movie Friday, where during the week I will find a movie that I really enjoy and then on Friday I will post it for you to watch over the weekend. This week is Eagle eye.
Eagle Eye is a must see for everyone. An action packed, and full of adventure you are sure to be at the edge of your seat at all times. It is about two people who are picked out of know where to follow a series of instruction. Most of the instructions are very dangerous and nearly get them killed every time. They get these instructions by phone and have no idea who is calling them. They do what they are told or they will die.
Eagle Eye is a must see for everyone. An action packed, and full of adventure you are sure to be at the edge of your seat at all times. It is about two people who are picked out of know where to follow a series of instruction. Most of the instructions are very dangerous and nearly get them killed every time. They get these instructions by phone and have no idea who is calling them. They do what they are told or they will die.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
A VERY brief summary:
A group of about 40 people get on an airplane and it crashes on a mysterious island and on the island is a group of people they call "the others". This group of people try to capture the 40. They managed to only capture about 5. Many people die while they are captured then there is the button. Yes this button they have to press every 108 minutes and if they don't it sends out an electro-magnetic pulse which they find out caused the plane to crash. And this so called mysteries island cannot be seen by the outside world. Anyway, then some more people die for various reasons and this group of scientists come. They say they are their to rescue them, but later find out they are their to do research on the island. The scientists eventually do get them off the island and that same 5 are the only ones who made it off. Then they realize they have to lie, lie to the media about being on the island. This turns into chios. They now all know that they have to go back. To protect the people that are still there. Those 5 people all have to get on the same plane and try to crash into. To get back to the island. They have to make a choice go to the island and never come back but save the people there or stay where they are.
and that is very very short summary about the television series Lost. I left out soooo many details, details the if I tell will give away the whole story line. So are you convinced that you have to watch it yet. Well if your not you is the best.
So get of this site and start catching up..what are you waiting for..stop reading this now.
A group of about 40 people get on an airplane and it crashes on a mysterious island and on the island is a group of people they call "the others". This group of people try to capture the 40. They managed to only capture about 5. Many people die while they are captured then there is the button. Yes this button they have to press every 108 minutes and if they don't it sends out an electro-magnetic pulse which they find out caused the plane to crash. And this so called mysteries island cannot be seen by the outside world. Anyway, then some more people die for various reasons and this group of scientists come. They say they are their to rescue them, but later find out they are their to do research on the island. The scientists eventually do get them off the island and that same 5 are the only ones who made it off. Then they realize they have to lie, lie to the media about being on the island. This turns into chios. They now all know that they have to go back. To protect the people that are still there. Those 5 people all have to get on the same plane and try to crash into. To get back to the island. They have to make a choice go to the island and never come back but save the people there or stay where they are.
and that is very very short summary about the television series Lost. I left out soooo many details, details the if I tell will give away the whole story line. So are you convinced that you have to watch it yet. Well if your not you is the best.
So get of this site and start catching up..what are you waiting for..stop reading this now.
New Posters
Today I looked in the mailbox and to my surprise I found a carboard tube, it was pretty fat and short. I went in side and opened it and found my Taylor Swift posters in it. There is about nine of them but only ended up using 8 because I didn't like one of them. Anyways I just finished placing them up on my wall, I had to take down some of my dog posters, but don't worry there is plenty more up there.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Double Congrats!!
#1 Jenny had her baby girl last night 4:50 weighing 7 pounds 14 onces her name is Anna lynne
#2 Eve had her baby around 8 this morning. It is a boy named Payton Michael and weighed 8 pounds 12 ounces
Congrats to both of you!!
#2 Eve had her baby around 8 this morning. It is a boy named Payton Michael and weighed 8 pounds 12 ounces
Congrats to both of you!!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
It is just a normal day in school and I am in the IMC and this is my surroundings. My stomach is starting to disagree with the school lunch food that I just ate which consisted of a few old egg rolls and a bread stick while next to me is a guy who is falling asleep while picking his nose and on the other side is a group of 4 guys talking about smoking pot. While the IMC staff is running around trying to find a nurse because someone passed out on the floor. You look down the isle of computers and you notice not a single person is doing homework, in the IMC you sit as far back as you can away from the teachers and play games, go on facebook, or simply text. And the staff is totally oblivious because they are still trying to find the nurse.
Trivia Tuesday
Due to a birth defect, a boy is born with 14 toes, 11 fingers, and 3 thumbs. How many fingernails does the boy have?
Friday, January 23, 2009
Feelin good Friday
Finally Friday is here!! No more tests, no more up until 2 in the morning, no more studying, no more pimples, no more homework. It's all good. Time to sleep in and waste the day away. Oh how I love fridays.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Things I love
I love my family; my sister my dog
I love my friends
I love my everlasting God
I love to eat
I love to watch movies
I love to shop
I love to run in the fields with my dog
I love to feel the wind against my face
I love the touch of flour
I love the bight color pink
I love the soothing feel of chapstick on parched lips
I love to hear the morning dove call in the morning
and well I also love you..
I love my friends
I love my everlasting God
I love to eat
I love to watch movies
I love to shop
I love to run in the fields with my dog
I love to feel the wind against my face
I love the touch of flour
I love the bight color pink
I love the soothing feel of chapstick on parched lips
I love to hear the morning dove call in the morning
and well I also love you..
Trivia Tuesday solution
Ok since NONE of you guys got the old question right I thought i just might give you another hint. Ok so the question was: A house has four walls, each of which faces south. A man in the house looks out the window and sees a bear. What color is the bear? Where are your when all four walls face south? Hmmm. time for the guessing to begin..
You know those little ugly, totally annoying pink dots you get on your face. Everyone gets them. Well for me they come with stess. Oh and this is my lucky week. It's finals week! and you know what that means! Ya pimples!Ohhhhh...I am so excited for these little alians to appear right on the peak of my nose!! not.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
You will not kill my generation
What about the rights of the unborn?
I believe every unborn should have a chance to live. There is no such thing as a piece of tissue. A kleenex is a tissue an embryo is NOT! Call it choice or call it murder. An embyro's heart beats at 8 days and you tell me that it is not alive it is a blob. Go look at any child in this world and tell them you should have died. Or tell them I Love You.
You will not kill my generation. We will fight for the ones who can't.
I believe every unborn should have a chance to live. There is no such thing as a piece of tissue. A kleenex is a tissue an embryo is NOT! Call it choice or call it murder. An embyro's heart beats at 8 days and you tell me that it is not alive it is a blob. Go look at any child in this world and tell them you should have died. Or tell them I Love You.
You will not kill my generation. We will fight for the ones who can't.
New Years Resolution
Well, if I haven't told you yet. At the beginning of the year i decided to walk the dog EVERY day. Because well..she's fat.Well, let me say It has been quiet a chore expecially when it is -14 degrees outside. It has been going good so far but the only problem is that she is not loosing weight, I am.
Trivia Tuesday
A house has four walls, each of which faces south. A man in the house looks out the window and sees a bear. What color is the bear?
Ok, so I do admitt this one is a little tougher, but think about it then tell me your answer...or guess
Ok, so I do admitt this one is a little tougher, but think about it then tell me your answer...or guess
Monday, January 12, 2009
Deal Of The Day
Today, after school i went to Target. I wasn't looking for anything special, I was just there to brows. On the way to the baby isle (to pick up some presents for a baby shower) the corner of my eye spotted a brightly colored pink coat. I had been looking for a coat for a little while (sinse mine is currently getting to small) anyways so I went over there and to my surprise they were 75% off!! I thought maybe they were about $20 so I tried one on and then looked at the price tag. I just about fell over! It was $11.00! It was really nice to. It is a 3 in 1 coat so it has an inner layer that can be taken out and worn as a fleece jacket! And that was my Deal of the Day.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Goood Day
Well Today was a good Day. I finished all my homework. Yes ALL of it and this morning I successfully got up at 7 and completed everything I needed to. I even ate and Had time to put make-up on!!! Oh and I got an A on two of my tests. Yes today was a good day.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Trivia Tuesday
A farmer has seventeen cows; all but eight die. How many cows does the farmer have left?
Now you should...get this one, if you are reading this you are dumb. No further explanation needed.
Now you should...get this one, if you are reading this you are dumb. No further explanation needed.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Ok let me explain...
My sincere apologizes to whoever is out there for not blogging in the past 4 weeks. let me say I have been busy. Well as none of you know I go out to my Aunts housse for Chistmas Eve. We some more...and get presents!! Then we come home at midnight and open family presents!!! Fun..Fun..Fun... Well I am glad to say my new room is finally complete. I got the my new pink chair from Hannah and Storage Cubbies from my parents!! Oh and I got an amazing new phone!! It slides up and down. It's soo cool. Then well.. of course my parents had to have a party for New Years eve and of course they leave us all alone to clean the entire house all on our own, while go shopping. Yes I said shopping!! Over break I succesfully clean my room and then it got dity so I cleaned again. Then i saw Marley and Me, it is an adorable movie and is a MUST SEE!! for everyone. Even you paige who doesn't really dogs all that much. Then I did homework, oh and watch a few more movies. I do beleive that is all. I think...
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