Sunday, May 17, 2009

I problably should explain...

Yes I know I have been gone...for a little over a week now. It didn't seem very long ago since I last posted but it said my last post is on June 9th so I thought I would give you a quick update. During the past week my family has been taking turns going up to Michigan about 3 times. It's because of my grandma. She is not doing so well. They say she is a modeled color which means she is not getting enough oxygen, she hasn't responded to anyone, nothing, it is like she can't hear. I call her response. Then the oddest thing happened the other day. I put my hand on the bed and she took my hand and squeezed it. That was all I needed. Something. I sign for me to know that she is there. Then she went back to her "normal" and acted like it never happened. Or like that took all her energy. Now all she she does is moan. They give her morphine around the clock and she never changes. She has fluid in her lungs now and is gasping for air. I hate to see her like this. All those time I would sit in her living room and she would sing to me about a little red fox and a big black bear. She would sing and sing until her voice grew tired. And now I sit here with tears rolling down my cheeks knowing that I will never here her voice again. I took it all for granted then and now she cant even squeeze my hand.

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