Saturday, May 9, 2009

Triva Winner(s)

Well after reading all 3 of the comments. ahem. I have found that you are all cheaters. Yes, you are, for I actually went on google and typed in 'how long does a cat sleep a day' and what do you know, it said a cat sleep 13-18 hours a day. Well and you both got that exact same answer. ahem. I actually did some research and 3 out of the 4 websites said that a cat sleeps 16-18 hours a day. So know that I have two cheaters and a prize in my hand what is a girl to do? So here is the deal this time around I will let it slide and will give you the prize. The only problem is that there is 2 people and 1 prize. So then I would say well you can share it but knowing Hannah and Paige they would never share. Nope. So I guess that I just have to come up with two prizes now. They will both be the same lip balm back so you don't have to worry about it suddenly disappearing. Well now I guess it is time to say Congratulations. Altho, you are still cheaters.


Paige said...

What!? I so knew that off the top of my head!!

Mariah Thompson said...

Oh really? You did? Well according to the anatomy you cannot store any information on the very tipity top of you brain, only way down in sorry.